Thursday, July 24, 2008

Being MIA update

Well, a lot has happened since I last blogged and since I am not any good about remembering anything since being preggers I am not going to battle my brain and try...I will go to what I do remember which is pretty recent...LOL I will also posted some random pics for this month I took..

Okay well since Mark made Chief life here in the Humpherys home has been crazy, stressful and just plain nuts...He works crazy hours, goes in way early and comes home sooo late and even when he is home he still has work to do that keeps him up till wee hours of the morning. I feel so bad for him, and upset cause we don't really get to interact with him. There is a possiblity he will be gone for the whole month of AUG and maybe part of Sept for training and an even more possiblity of him not being here for the birth of the baby...which has made me soooo sad and scared since none of my family is here or near...and the doctor is making me wait till my water breaks and since my sisters and mom work no one can really just plan a date to come if we have no idea when he will come... MArk is trying his best to juggle it all, and poor him is married to a hormonal pregger wife who cries at the drop of a dime when he jokes with me. LOL I Know I KNOW a total cry baby!!! These 2 months are soooooooooo crazy till he gets pinned in Sept.

Being it's the end of my pregnancy does not make it any better either, and on top of all this no family or close friends near makes it even tougher. I went to the doctor's yesterday for my 7 month check up and leave there sad and mad...cause I am put on modified bedrest cause of the severe pain of him being so low and causing me to have a hard time to walk and move...and with my heart condition that has sort of started to act up they are keeping an even closer eye on REST is the perscription from the doctor. The irritating part is I have so much to do to finish preparing for the baby to come that I can't ask Mark cause he isn't home I am left feeling alone and sad....

Yes, I can ask my ward family and I am sure sisters will pitch in but nothing feels the same then having your husband, or your own family to be around to see your vulunerable side and let your guard down. Pride is probably my problem!

So here is my pitty potty story and why I have been MIA....due to pain, having to rest and have feet up and not sleeping very well at night makes getting on here to update as often as I want...

I will post random pics I took this month....Taylor is doing great...bored of her mom but doing good... :-) She starts school AUg 18th...I am so sad and happy at once...will be hard doing it on my own without mark here but we will manage..

Oh yeah...we got our orders for San Diego as our next duty station. We will more than likely move there this coming DEC...Sooo excited and nervous...but I will be closer to my family...YEA!!!

Okay I have an error on the page and it will not let me post anymore...will have to see if Mark can fix it for me. I will post more later... This was Tater on our way to our ward 4th of july pancake breakfast..

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

~Mark made Chief~

MARK MADE CHIEF SELECTION!!! We are so excited and happy for him...this has been something he has worked so hard for and it has paid off. He is in the selection process, even though he is now a Chief he doesn't get the title till his pinning ceremony in September. That's when I will pin his anchors on his collar. I am so excited!!!

Now till September will be busy and stressful for him, they will be putting him through extensive training till then. He may be leaving to a ship during this time so he gets the full feel and surroundings of NAVY 24/7. So we will hardly see him for the next couple months. His staff at work have been so sweet and nice and have all mentioned to him that if I need anything to let them know...they said they would run my midnight cravings. ha ha ha Too sweet! I told Mark I was happy we are so involved with our home ward to have their support as well. I grew up Navy and my mom was a great example of independence and getting things done on her own. I am pretty independent will be hard not to see Mark as often as I would like...but I support him and happy for him.

So this is our great news....I am so proud of Mark and his accomplishments he is going to be a great asset as a Chief. I am honored to be his wife and happy to support him through this time.


How to play this game. Post these rules on your blog; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random/surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names....

3 Joys
1. Taylor and unborn baby
2. back/leg rubs
3. reading

3 Fears
1. Someone hurting or taking Taylor or my baby from me
2. Something happening to Mark while at work or when he goes overseas and life without him
3. Not being a good enough mother to my children/wife to my hubby (me too rushele)

3 goals
1. Get my house organized and ready for the baby's arrival
2. Be a better wife and mother...
3. Be better about personal prayer and reading my scriptures

3 current obsessions/collections
1. Surfing the net
2. scrapbooking
3. talking on the phone LOL

3 random/surprising facts
1. I am extremly scared of FROGS...fake ones that look real, especially REAL ones...Mark and Taylor love to buy the fake ones and leave them where I least expect them and I scream or jump
2. I have major fears of the dark..and Mark loves to play on them...I will not look in the closet when all the lights are out and Mark will stand in there and scare me by talking to me, or the other thing is he will put his hand in front of my face right when I lay down and my eyes are closed so when I open them his hand is right there..he cracks up...He is sooo mean!!! lol
3. I have a phobia of icky bathrooms....I NEVER used the kids bathroom to use the restroom or use the bathtub unless I myself washed and cleaned it myself....Public bathrooms I am worse if I have to use them which I try not too at all cost but being preggers it's pretty much impossible I lay down 5-6 toilet cover sheets before I will use it....Gotta love CA where it's mandatory for restrooms to have them....ha ha ha ha

I tag Julie, Kristen,Tara, Tawanya, Angie