Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well the day and call has finally came. Our adoption caseworker called to set up our interview with her in 2 weeks. We have been waiting for this day for awhile now. We started the process before the holidays and have been anixously awaiting for each step. The interview step is the second to the last step for it all to be final.

Not sure if everyone knows but I'm pretty sure most of you do. Mark is adopting Taylor and it's something we are excited about. We have talked to Taylor about it and she is soo excited and has been practicing writing her new last name. Taylor's bio. father signed away his parental rights to Taylor and to me that was a selfless act he did. It was not a healthy situation for anyone involved and made Taylor sad not having him as a bigger part of her life. I know it was not an easy decision for him to do but I appreciate he did what was best for Taylor. Taylor understands the best way a 6year old can about adoption and the process. We have been very open with her and trying to make it simple, exciting and a happy time. I feel we have done a good job at that cause everytime we talk about it or what to expect with the next step she has a HUGE smile on her face and asks questions and just expresses how happy she is.

I am thankful for Mark who has stepped up and been such a wonderful example of a righteous man and a very loving man to Taylor. The only male figures Taylor has had her life that have been consistant has been both her grandfathers and uncles. So to see the special bond Taylor and Mark have as father and daughter feels my heart with joy. My ex called one time when Mark and I were newly married to thank him for taking such good care of Taylor since he hadn't been. I thought that was a nice gesture and so unexpected. Regardless of my ex's and my issues we had with each other for him to lay that aside and recongnize our daughter was being takin care of and loved and to acknowledge that, was a nice thing.

We are blessed beyond words...Taylor was sealed to Mark and I June 2008 in the Oakland temple. That was a day of unexplainable happiness and joy I felt. To have our adoption almost final, makes today a very happy day as well! So after we meet with our caseworker and she interviews us. She will make her report and turn it into the courts. Once that is done then we will make our appt to see the judge who will finalize it all and we walk out with a little girl who will officially be a Humpherys. The funny thing to all this is everyone we meet or know says Taylor looks exactly like Mark. At church she is always referred to as Taylor Humpherys.

I'm grateful to be married to a great man who loves unconditionally. Who is a wonderul father to all his children and is always there for them, no matter distance or whatever else he makes time and shows each one how special they are too him and how much they mean to him and that he is always there. He is a great man and I love him so much.

So with a heart filled with so much joy, I wanted to share with all of you this great day! I will post again after our interviews and how it all went.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I have spoken to a few of my friends trying to get ideas on what I can do different this year for Valentines Day. Most of them said that they don't give gifts just give cards. I love every holiday and find any excuse or reason to give gifts or come up with creative stuff to do. This year is different cause I am stomped. I'm hoping maybe someone has some new creative ideas or links that I can check out. I thought if I post this now I can have time to prepare and get it done before the big day.

You may wonder "what the heck are you doing Steph, your husband is going to find out" NOPE he doesn't even look at this blog and says he doesn't even know the link. The two times he has been on here has been me showing him it and telling him to read what I wrote. ha ha ha Plus he LOVES surprises unlike me who likes them but ends up finding out about them and ruin it for myself..

Every year I make mark a candy gram card. You know where you write a letter using candy. I buy a big poster board and tape the candy on it. So I know I will do that again. Which I have to say 3 years of doing it and no new candy coming out, makes it kinda hard to come up with something new and repeat from years past. (don't think he would notice but I still would feel bad) ha ha ha

I have heart attacked our apartment with reasons why I loved him. I have given stuffed animals like a frog prince and wrote a note to go with it that said "that out of all the frogs I kissed I'm glad I found my prince" (or something to that effect)

I have done hershey kisses in a container with a key chain lock and key with the top of the container saying you have the key to my heart. (we were dating when I did this one)

I can't remember every thing I have done in the past 3 years but I am having a hard time coming up with cute creative ideas for this year. I thought about doing Glamour shots and giving that to him. They have a special for 3 protraits with free session for $79. I have no ideas what to dress in if I did that...I thought maybe his white button up shirt with his chief hat (it looks like officer and a gentlemen) or his uniform top...but not sure..(sorry if this is too much) lol

Well before I make this a novel, I just thought I would ask for any of you for ideas. Or just hear things you do to celebrate Valentines with your lovely..I also give valentine goodies to my kids..I think it is soo much fun, I usually blow up balloons red and white and put them in Taylor's room while she is sleeping and live her goodies near her bed so when she wakes up she sees it all and I heart attack her room. So if you have cute ideas that you do for your kiddies I would love to hear them.

Feeling pretty crafty

This is the frame before picture...
This is the same frame with some spice...

Here is all three I worked on today..the pirate one before it was finished...

The pirate after I finished it with all the "lingo" pirates speak... :-)
Well today I did not want to clean..and since Mark has overnight duty I thought what the heck I will do some crafts. Nothing big and all very simple but nonetheless very relaxing and fun. I remembered I had a old picture frame I bought years ago up in the closet and I had old flowers left over from my 1st marriage in the garage. So I thought why not spice up my frame. I also had $1 frames from Michaels that needed to be painted and wood embelishments glued on..

This was all easy to do since Taylor had her friend over to play with and Blake joined them so I was left to myself in the kitchen while they played in the room.

I can't tell you how much doing crafts or scrapbooking relaxes me, especially when Mark is off at work and has overnight duty I can craft till my hearts

Like I said all very simple but I had fun and I thought I would share and add a post since it's been awhile since my last posting.