Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Joys of Pregnancy

Well this weekend I will officially be 8 months. I'm excited, anixous and miserable. Excited cause it's getting closer to delievery this baby who seems to want to come RIGHT now! Anixous cause I want to see what he looks like and just have him in my arms to hug and kiss. Miserable cause I feel like when I walk he is going to stick a part of him out and say HI MOM...he is so low and the pelvic pain is crazy. I have heartburn like there is no tomorrow. Taylor is my maylox girl of going back and forth to where ever my bottle of it is to rush to me. She's such a great helper!!!

Taylors nightly prayers have been "Please let my brother not hurt mommy anymore" which is sweet she is so concerned for me, but I have to tell her it's not is fault he is just growing so fast and it's almost time for him to come. She seems to understand that, I told Mark I didn't want her to resent her brother. lol

Mark leaves this Sunday for 30 days for some more Chief training. I'm scared, nervous and totally going to be counting down the days till I see him again. He has been so sweet in taking care of me when he is home,and I know he has alot on his mind in going away. I have a great ward family who are stepping in already to help out. So I think we will be fine.

Oh I bought the 4th book Breaking Dawn in the Twilight series saturday afternoon and already finished it by late Sunday evening. It was GREAT! I think I liked it a lot better than the other 3 books. I don't know if it's cause I am so hormonal but I was able to relate better to her and feel the emotions more. I heard there was another book in the making for the Twilight series but through the eyes and feelings of Edward. I think that would be great to read too. I can't wait to see the movie and see how it compares to the books. I heard and seen a lot about the HOST and always put it down thinking it wouldn't be any good but I have heard different so I think since I am having to be laid up I could read it and see for myself.

Well I thought I needed to update this and I was getting tired of laying down and sitting so I jumped on here for a few mins. I will try to update as often as I might not be very exciting cause there is really nothing fun or exciting about I will try. Tonight our ward is throwing me and two other gals a baby shower so that will be fun..I have been resting a lot the last couple days so I can feel up to going tonight and interact..OH YES I need adult interaction...and different scenery. :-)


Rushele said...

Poor girl! I can't even imagine having to stay in bed all the time! I mean, it's nice to be lazy sometimes, but HAVING to be there so much might drive me batty!
You should read THE HOST since you have the time anyway. It hasn't been as captivating as the TWILIGHT series, but it is interesting, and so far I do like it. I have to finish it before I start BD so I won't have to re-read what I've already read.
Have fun at your baby shower!!!!

IronLawGirl said...

I'm so mad. I preordered Breaking Dawn, but since we've moved, it hasn't come to our forwarding address yet. :(
And I don't envy your pregnancy discomforts! Keep your legs crossed until Mark gets home. ;)

The Doctors Wife said...

That is exactly how I felt when I was pregnant with Brian. I totally finished breaking dawn with in 30 hours. It was my favorite of the books too. It wasn't all wrapped up with teenage hormones and melodrama. It was funny and great at once.
My sister loved The Host. I think I'm going to have to read it too.