Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sooo sad

I am so sad Mark left today for his Chief training. It was so hard to have him leave, I am so vulunerable and scared with the complications I'm having and not having him close by is nerve wracking...Grrrrrrrrr! Hormones of course is cry cry cry!!!

Taylor had a hard time saying good bye too especially how close they have become in the last year. She is definity daddy's lil girl...Mark got teary eyed in saying good-bye to tough!! She was excited though knowing she can sleep with me while he is gone...ha ha ha

She starts school next week so this week will be early to bed which she is not too happy

Well today marks 8 months we are really near the end rounding the corner...scary but exciting at the same time..I have been in so much pain I soooooooooooooooo WANT A BODY RUB!!! If they weren't so dang expensive I would be there every day..ha ha ha

Okay I just want to be on the pitty potty bus of my husband leaving today and think tomorrow I will be going out to buy THE HOST and read me take my mind off missing him and since bedrest is killing me that will give me a good take my mind off that as well.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday...Sorry not soo exciting...


Rushele said...

AWW!! I'm sorry that your man has to leave you for a while!!
But, it is temproary, and it sounds like you have a great ward there that doesn't mind lending a hand!
Plus you have your cute little Taylor to keep you company, and your new book for while she's at school. You'll do great! You're a super strong woman!!!

The Doctors Wife said...

Thankyou Stephanie for allowing your husband to protect this Country. I couldn't do it. You are every bit as brave and strong as he is. You can do it. Hang in there cause this too shall pass. Just stay nice and comfy so he can be there when he is born.

Tawnya said...

Yeah, that would be really hard especially being so prego. At least it's only 30 days and you have a little sweetie to keep you occupied. If you haven't already, you should rent LOST or The Office or Heroes and watch the old seasons. I love ya!