So I got the letter we've been waiting for that says the case worker approved the adoption order and wrote her recommendation to the courts. Now we have to wait 10 business days to call the court and make our appt to see the judge and make it final. I am so excited! We started this back in November and now we are finally near the finish line.
Taylor has been anixously awaiting for this too. She has been practicing her new last name. It was really cute one day when we were talking about the adoption and asked her about how she felt about it all. She said "I'm excited mommy but Humpherys is a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG name. It's longer than Frank" (Frank is our previous name) Then she asked me"Mommy why did you guys pick Humpherys to be the last name" I said "Its daddy's last name that he was given" and she said " yeah but why would someone want a really really long name" I just laughed. The other day she asked me if we could pretend that she was 7 so that it would be closer to her being 8 so daddy could baptize her. Her cousin Yesenia will be getting baptized in the next couple months and Taylor is so happy and excited and can't wait till her big day!
Taylor is such a sweet sweet girl who brings so much joy to my life and with only having a 20% chance of being able to keep her during the pregnancy and losing her twin during the pregnancy she is my miracle baby. I can not picture life without her sweet spirit in it. I've learned so much from her and everyday I love her more.
Mark and her have such a great relationship. He is the first person she cries for when she is scared or hurt, (I come 2nd when he is home lol) she definity is a daddy's girl. They have long talks, and she loves to show him new games she makes up and he is such a great daddy that he will patiently sit and play her game and never ask questions when she changes it 100x in how you play it so she always Everywhere we go we usually get Blake looks like me and Taylor looks like Mark. We all laugh and Taylor loves when people say she looks like Mark. She will say "daddy we have the same color eyes huh?" and "daddy I look like you and Blake looks like mommy" Mark is the first person she wants on her team when we play something cause she says he's stronger and more better as she puts it.
Mark is such a great father and great husband. I love everything about him and love him even more taking this next step in our lives. When we talked about Taylor being sealed to us, he said he wouldn't think of having it any other way. When I talked to him about adopting Taylor he said he wouldn't think of having it any other way. He melts my heart and makes me love him even more.
Today I am blessed and grateful for this good news and we plan on throwing a big celebration to celebrate this joyous occasian for Taylor. Sorry no pics just wanted to share my GREAT DAY NEWS!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Adoption Update!
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 4:10 PM
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That is so exciting !! Congratulations!!
Thank you!!! I am already planning the celebration...SOOO excited!!!
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