Tuesday, November 24, 2009

49er Fever

Okay, since my husband hardly ever, ever visits this site...I thought I would post pics of the kids that I plan on using for one of his Christmas presents. I ended up taking like 60+ pics and about a dozen of them came out with good smiles, both or individually looking right at me. These are just a few of the ones I took. Mark is a HUGE 49ers fan so I thought this would be a cute way to showcase his love for the niners and for the little ones. I only got a few pics of them together which was REALLY HARD, cause Blake kept wanting to run around and play w/the ball instead of sit still and smile for

I had to include the stool cause that was the only way Blake would pay attention and sit still long enough for me to take his pic w/his sister. I told Taylor just stand there and smile at me ALL the time till I get a good one..LOL Poor girl, but she did a GREAT job!

Blake just loved the football and would throw it and run around with it. When it was Taylor turn to have the ball he would throw a fit cause he wanted it. It was funny but also really hard.

He is such a peel, and such a BOY!

She looks like a pro! I asked her if she wanted to be a cheerleader and she said "yes" so I said I'll look into it for you. Then she walked away and after a few minutes comes back and says "mom I can't be a cheerleader!" I said "why not" and she said "cause I'm already wanting to be a teacher and a cop, I won't have enough time to be a cheerleader too!" I laughed so hard! I had to tell her I would look into being a cheerleader NOW and she seemed so confused and said "what about school, mom I need to go to school" It was cute, and after explaining it would fit it like when she played soccer then she got it and said "oh, I'm so silly mom" YES SHE IS!

Watch it be my luck that Mark strolls onto this site and takes a look and sees that these pics have to do w/a christmas present for him. LOL Even though he NEVER looks at this at all any other time.. ha ha ha This would be my luck! Well by chance he does HONEY you read too much and you better ACT surprised come Christmas..but I just remembered even if he did see this now, by the time Christmas comes around he will have forgotten..So no sweat! I was showing him things I wanted for Christmas (jewerely) and I seen this ugly one and I said I better not joke about wanting anything that is ugly cause you will totally remember that and Not remember what I really want..and he laughed and said Yeah your probably right! lol My simple husband makes me laugh but I love him.. ;-)
Enjoy the pics, and if anyone has cute gift ideas please pass my way or know of cute websites..crafty etc would be great!