Sunday, November 22, 2009

November Pics and Thanks...

So here are some pics from the last week or so....The below is Blake eating apples for the first time and liking them..and he was being silly by showing me them in his mouth...I swear he is such a silly boy! He loves to tease, and be funny!

Last night Mark built a fire and it was Blake's first time seeing one and being near one so he was SOOO SUPER EXCITED when Mark was finished...that he kept watching it and wanting to be near it..

Mark and Blake laying in front of the fireplace relaxing just watching it...Blake just loved watching it and laying by his dad...

Today I told taylor that I wanted to get pics of us so I could our Christmas card this year. So this is my beautiful little girl posing. I can't believe how grown up she is becoming and looking. Getting so big and seems like yesterday she was Blake's age...

Mark and I before church..

Both the kids being super cute!

Another one of them being cute, but it was quick getting their picture..cause Blake was having nothing to do with it all..he just wanted to play with his truck and run around..

This is him after the last pic was takin, he got up and ran away daddy had to pick him up so I could get a picture of him by himself...He is such a peel!
Then he decided to play with the rag strips I made last night for Taylor's hair...I think he played with them the longest and had soo much fun..

He wanted his sister in on the fun..

Well Thanksgiving is coming up in 4 days and we will be spending it with Mark aboard his ship since he has duty. We are excited and will be taking lots of pictures. I am happy the joy my kids and husband bring to me and my life. Seeing each one of my children's personalities shine through everyday is so neat to see and lots of joy to my heart. I love watching them interact with one another and I love laughing at how silly they are. My husband is a great joy to my life as well, he keeps me on my toes, always making sure I am takin care of. Eases my worries and fears and just a great support to me. He is handsome, and loving and always has a joke or silly thing to say to make me laugh or smile. I appreciate the hard work he does to provide for our family and the sacrifice he makes everyday to serve our country for our safety and freedom. I want to always remember the joys I have in my life that begin at home, though I'm human and don't always have great days. I hope I can always remember the small things and the many reasons why I'm so blessed. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving this year and I'm grateful to you as my friend and what you mean to me and my life.


Tawnya said...

Beautiful post! Your kids are to die for.

Rushele said...

Your kids are so cute!! And I appreciate reading or hearing the wonderful things that people are thankful for this time of year. Thanks for sharing!!!
I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving!!

Mark & Stephanie Humpherys said...

Thank you guys..your soo sweet!! You guys have some adorable kids yourselves...I love the holidays when family's get together and share with one another new memories...I wish it was like this all year round, but since it's not it does make me appreciate them even more..and thankful for what I do have.. I hope when I'm in Mesa I can see you guys...Hugs to you guys!!