Monday, November 30, 2009

FHE Lesson on Christ Birth

So we had our Family Home Evening lesson on Christ's birth. The other day Taylor seen that I had put out one of my little manger scenes...It is block people that my mom had gotten me awhile back. She asked who they were. I felt HORRIBLE and also thought in my mind of course what the heck child you know that is baby jesus..LOL Well, I came back to reality and explained to her again who it was and that sparked me to do a FHE lesson on Christ's birth. I figure since I don't have our Navitity scene up all year round and she only sees Jesus as a man in pictures that is why she was unsure.

I battled my mind in what I could do to make the story of Christ's birth in the form a 6year old would understand and also be able to remember and have it stick in her mind better. As luck would have it our Ensign and Friend arrived today in the mail. I always go through the Friend and find the CTR ring before Taylor gets ahold of it so I can better help her and give her clues when she is reading it...(if you know my daughter she gets easily upset and frustrated when she is doing something that requires a lot of thinking or looking) So I try to minimize the fits and attitude by knowing where it is first. So I was looking and I came across the story of Christ Birth as well as the First Presidency message...and a cute little activity of Angel Gifts for Jesus.

I cut out Angels and read Christ's Birth and Mark and I shared more in deepth of the story and we shared that celebrating Jesus' birth was like celebrating our birthdays but different in the way we don't buy him anything we give by how we act and what we do. So we could give our gifts in the form of telling him what we would do for him and write it down on the angel. We had a blast, one of mine was working on patience and boy was I tested on that tonight cause toward the middle of it all. Blake had a melt down cause he wanted to eat the crayons, and kept whining and crying. Taylor got upset and attitude cause she wasn't knowing how to spell certain words so she would whine and throw an attitude. BOY WAS I OVER IT by I told Mark man I really do need to work on my patience. We laughed. So Long story short, while Blake threw his tantrum and Taylor finished her angels I worked on a X-mas tree and presents for us to hang on the wall..with our angels. I think it came out cute.. The story for the angel gifts had them put them on the primary x-mas tree but I thought if I taped them to the wall we would see them better and be reminded of what we wrote.

Besides the meltdowns and my patience reaching the breaking point. My lovely husband came to the rescue and saved the evening w/his PATIENCE (he has A LOT) and put blake to sleep and I had taylor go to bed after our family prayer. We aren't very good w/consistencly (sp) w/FHE and I am trying to work on it. Brother Bednars talk I believe when he spoke about his family and all the issues they had w/kids nit picking and it being so crazy that he could say now as they are older that they would remember FHE was consistant. I am hoping I can give that to my children, so I will continue to try and work on my patience and not want to give up so quickly when they act up or seem uninterested. I think I will go to the book store and find FHE lesson for small children and all in 5 mins or less.. LOL Enjoy our pictures...all in all I had a good time and I'm happy we did it and finished!


Tawnya said...

What a great way to teach your kids about Christmas! And good for you on working on being consistent with FHE. It's definitely something I need to work on as well.

Mark & Stephanie Humpherys said...

Thanks your so sweet! It is really hard, I know we find ourselves forgetting or not really knowing what to do that is geared for their age. It's tough but it's my goal to continue. :-) I hope we can get together when we are in town in Dec. Hugs to you!