We had such a great time dressing up as The Incredibles. I have such a great hubby who was a great sport in wearing red tights and joining in on the fun. He definitely is a keeper!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Trunk or Treat
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 5:32 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bathroom my BEST FRIEND
Mark and I have been trying for over 6 months and then about a month ago I said "I'm done, I'm not going to think about it" "Its not my priority cause I'm so sad every time my monthly comes" Then BOOM what do you know were now expecting. It's a surreal feeling but an exciting one.
From all the calculations I did I am guessing our due date is going to be middle to end of June. Taylor was so excited and said I hope it's a girl, cause I really want a sister. I told Blake and he said "No mommy, No baby!" lol
Well this wednesday I will find out more but I wanted to share our good news. Exciting time in our family and we are overjoyed!!
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 3:20 PM 4 comments
Taylor's Cheer Fun
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 2:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sorry no pics for this post. I know it's been awhile since I have posted. I have been up for a little while now and was surfing the net. I came across some disturbing info on someone I know who happens to be a minor. It disturbs me on many issues but the one thing that I sit here and reflect on is PARENTING.
I am not this childs parent and at one point in time this child and I had a great relationship. Over the years it has became non-existant. This child protrays themself older than they are (which mind you I did when I was a teen) but not at the extint this has been takin. There is lack of responsibilty, lack of parenting or supervision. It makes me sick knowing that this child will become another satistic. (Pardon all the misspell words and bad grammer lol)
I sit here as a parent to small children but also a step-parent to a teen son and I am thankful for the upbringing I had growing up. I find myself repeating phrases or actions my parents did or said to me when I was younger. I hated them then, (the discipling) but I find myself having the same outline they did for me to my children. I don't find it bad to spank your child, or take away privilages. I believe children will respect there parents and parents role is to teach not be friends with there children. My mother always told me "I'm not your friend, I'm your mother!" "When your married and have your children then I can be your friend" I hated hearing that growing up, cause I wanted my mom to be cool cause some of my friends parents were there friends and weren't so strict. Looking back now I'm glad my parents were tough and hard on us girls. Those friends who had "friends" for parents had no respect, no accountability, and always seem to get themselves in trouble one way or another and there parents just didn't deal w/them.
Today's society is all about "lets not hurt someones feelings" "kids have rights" etc etc...Well you know what, yes kids and people have feelings and we should all be respectful but when your a child you need to know your role and listen to your parents. Adults are to teach and lead the way to bring up successful productive children into this world. If kids don't learn at home, manners, respect, accountability, intigrity, and everything else that makes them well rounded people at home then we have failed as parents and adding to this worlds already downward non-productive society. The old kids have rights too, well yes kids have rights. They have rights to listen and learn so they can use there rights in a good way and effective way when they are adults, parents and active society members paying bills, making a life for themselves without the help of there parents. Then they have rights that they can exercise and be heard till then in my opinion and how I believe kids rights are non-existant when it comes to discipline, teaching and learning what they need at home. Who else is going to teach them the tough lessons or what to expect if they don't learn it at home first.
When you give birth or raise a child it's your responsibility to make sure that child has all the tools he/or she needs to be active society memebers. If they don't learn or are taught these fundamentals of life at home we have failed as parents. When parents are too scared to discipline or too scared to hurt there child's feelings, we have given up on our children. We have done them unjustice. I'd rather my child say "Man my mom and dad was tough and strict on me growing up" then for them to say "My mom and dad didn't make time for me, they didn't care what I did." I'd much rather hear your a mean mom when they are growing up cause of the lessons I'm teaching them and have them look back when they are a parent as I do now and say WOW I get it. I understand it all now, and I'm happy I had that type of upbringing.
This may all seem out of left field and odd or just not your cup of tea of agreeing. Which is fine, I mostly did this for my sanity. It made me thankful for my parents upbringing, thankful for how Mark and I raise our children and thankful to belong to such a great belief and having a loving Heavenly Father who helps me be the best parent I can be. I know my children will have struggles growing up, I was no saint growing up and caused a few grey hairs if not ulcers to my parents. I know everything is not perfect and I know my children will have to face some tough challenges ahead of them especially how society and our world are today. Where wrong is made to be right and vice versa. They will struggle from right and wrong, but the one thing that will not change is my diligence in pushing them to be better people and make right choices and always be their parent and never give up on them and give them tough love when it's needed.
I'm happy my parents were not my best friends growing up and didn't allow me to have my way all the time and always pushed me to be the best I could be. One thing growing up my mom always said and I tell taylor since blake is still too young is. Home is where you make your mistakes. My mom would tell us girls that all the time. I'm happy she did, and being a mother now I appreciate that saying more. Home is where children make there mistakes and learn from them and its our job to give them that safe haven to do so and guide them and give them tools to not make the same mistake and learn from it so when it's there time to move on w/there lives. They can do so with confidence, and motivation that they have everything they need to tackle life and build there own home.
Thanks for listening to my rant and to end I will post a MEAN MOM poem!! ENJOY!!
Was your Mom mean?
I know mine was. We had the meanest mother in the whole world! While other kids ate candy for breakfast, we had to have cereal, eggs, and toast. When others had a Pepsi and a Twinkie for lunch, we had to eat sandwiches. And you can guess our mother fixed us a dinner that was different from what other kids had, too.
Mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times. You'd think we were convicts in a prison. She had to know who our friends were, and what we were doing with them. She insisted that if we said, we would be gone for an hour, we would be gone for an hour or less.
We were ashamed to admit it, but she had the nerve to break the Child Labour Laws by making us work. We had to wash the dishes, make the beds, learn to cook, vacuum the floor, do laundry, empty the trash and all sorts of cruel jobs. I think she would lie awake at night thinking of more things for us to do.
She always insisted on us telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. By the time we were teenagers, she could read our minds and had eyes in the back of her head. Then, life was really tough!
Mother wouldn't let our friends just honk the horn when they drove up. They had to come up to the door so she could meet them.
Because of our mother, we missed out on lots of things other kids experienced. None of us have ever been caught shoplifting, vandalizing other's property or ever arrested for any crime. It was all her fault.
Now that we have left home, we are all educated, honest adults. We are doing our best to be mean parents just like Mom was.
I think that is what's wrong with the world today. It just doesn't have enough mean moms!
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Count Down to Adpotion being final
I'm SUPER excited and SUPER happy! I called today and made the appt for Taylor's adoption to be final. Next week is the big day for us to go and see the judge and get his handy dandy signature to make Taylor become an offical HUMPHERYS!
I'm going to plan a party for her to celebrate this great day! Today started off on such a good note that I hope the rest of the day continues the same. Well this will be short and sweet, but wanted to let anyone who follows our family's blog to know the latest!
HAPPY DAY ol HAPPY DAY! I am so blessed and grateful for the many blessings I am given in my life!!
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 10:09 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Mother's Day Gift
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 7:41 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Adoption Update!
So I got the letter we've been waiting for that says the case worker approved the adoption order and wrote her recommendation to the courts. Now we have to wait 10 business days to call the court and make our appt to see the judge and make it final. I am so excited! We started this back in November and now we are finally near the finish line.
Taylor has been anixously awaiting for this too. She has been practicing her new last name. It was really cute one day when we were talking about the adoption and asked her about how she felt about it all. She said "I'm excited mommy but Humpherys is a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG name. It's longer than Frank" (Frank is our previous name) Then she asked me"Mommy why did you guys pick Humpherys to be the last name" I said "Its daddy's last name that he was given" and she said " yeah but why would someone want a really really long name" I just laughed. The other day she asked me if we could pretend that she was 7 so that it would be closer to her being 8 so daddy could baptize her. Her cousin Yesenia will be getting baptized in the next couple months and Taylor is so happy and excited and can't wait till her big day!
Taylor is such a sweet sweet girl who brings so much joy to my life and with only having a 20% chance of being able to keep her during the pregnancy and losing her twin during the pregnancy she is my miracle baby. I can not picture life without her sweet spirit in it. I've learned so much from her and everyday I love her more.
Mark and her have such a great relationship. He is the first person she cries for when she is scared or hurt, (I come 2nd when he is home lol) she definity is a daddy's girl. They have long talks, and she loves to show him new games she makes up and he is such a great daddy that he will patiently sit and play her game and never ask questions when she changes it 100x in how you play it so she always wins...lol Everywhere we go we usually get Blake looks like me and Taylor looks like Mark. We all laugh and Taylor loves when people say she looks like Mark. She will say "daddy we have the same color eyes huh?" and "daddy I look like you and Blake looks like mommy" Mark is the first person she wants on her team when we play something cause she says he's stronger and more better as she puts it.
Mark is such a great father and great husband. I love everything about him and love him even more taking this next step in our lives. When we talked about Taylor being sealed to us, he said he wouldn't think of having it any other way. When I talked to him about adopting Taylor he said he wouldn't think of having it any other way. He melts my heart and makes me love him even more.
Today I am blessed and grateful for this good news and we plan on throwing a big celebration to celebrate this joyous occasian for Taylor. Sorry no pics just wanted to share my GREAT DAY NEWS!!!
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 4:10 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Honey!
Happy 37th Birthday baby! You are such an amazing, wonderful man! I am so thankful to you and all that you do for me and our family. Your my best friend, you bring me so much joy and happiness since meeting you. Honey, you make life enjoyable and fun. You helped me to laugh again, and open my heart for love again. When I thought life couldn't be joyful, I met you and you changed everything for me. I can not picture life without you in it beside me. Your a wonderful father and wonderful husband. I am grateful to you and all you do for me. I look forward in spending eternity with you.
There are so many reasons WHY I LOVE YOU and here are a few:
1.You always kiss me goodnight
2.You make me laugh
3.You always walk on the outside of the sidewalk to protect me from cars/traffic
4.You always hold my hand when we walk
5.Your a GREAT kisser
6.You do a lot for our family and for me. Even after putting in long hours at work you always find time for our family and always with a smile.
7.You never complain to play or spend time with the kids after a long days work
8.You open the truck door for me and close it when I'm seated
9.You hug me every chance you get
10.You write me sweet messages just to let me know your thinking of me
11.Your sexy
12.You light up a room when you walk in with your smile
13.You love me for me
14.You take our kids for walks to give me a break
15.You speak to me w/respect
16.You always look for the positive
17.Your strong
18.Your smart
19. You stand up for what is right
20.You always call me babe
21 You don't like to go to bed mad/upset
22.Your so HOT
23.Your a dedicated Sailor and Proud to protect us and our freedom
24.Your a GOOD man
25. You lead by example
26. You are a fun dad
27. You tell me how pretty I am even when I don't feel it
28. Your a wonderful priesthood holder
29.You love unconditionally
30. You make sure I know how much you love me on a daily basis'
I can go on and on...but I think you got the point. I love you so much for these reasons and more and I am so blessed to be married to you and lucky to share our lives together. I look forward to each day in what it brings us and look forward to sharing more of life's experiences with you. Everything is possible with you beside me. I find new reasons to love you each day, my love grows more and deeper for you with each passing day. I am lucky to be the girl you chose to marry almost 3 years ago. I am a lucky girl to be able to spend FOREVER with you. Thank you for sharing your life with me and thank you for allowing me to love you. Life would not be this fun without you in it.
Happy Birthday STUD muffin! I'm sorry we can't be together on your day but I look forward in celebrating it with you, when you get home. I look forward to many more birthdays with you. I love you very much!
All my love forever and ever,
Your One and Only
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 3:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter fun 2....
My fav pic of my cuties....Blake loves his taylor...and taylor is the BEST big sister EVER!!! Blake loved Taylor's skateboard...and it was fun watching him roll around on it....



Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Easter Fun....
Our little family....Blake was being a stinker and did not want to look at the camera. We had a great Easter weekend.. Blake loves this rocking chair.....


Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 5:38 PM 2 comments
Arggg ye Matey!
Finally Blake's Pirate theme room is done! Of course the day I took these pics he had made a mess and I did my best to snap pics w/out including the mess..lol He loves his BIG boy room, and I had a blast putting it together... This is the pic of his bedroom door!!
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
My Crafty Corkboard
My supplies and what it looked like before I started. I had been surfing craft blogs for the last couple days and I have been wanting to do something, but either don't have everything you need or lack the creativity. So today I was in a crafty mood. I sat literally for a couple hours trying to think of what to make to curb this crafting mood.. lol Then I remembered I had this frame and matboard that had taylor's picture in but the glass had broke and I had cork pieces Mark had bought a year ago that I just used tacky tape to stick to my kitchen wall. Hmmmm WHY NOT PUT them together!!! So thus my creativity flowed and I was able to fulfill my craving of crafts! (Don't mind my counter clutter, my craving to do a craft winned cleaning that up) ha ha ha ha The matboard before I decoupaged(sp)
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 6:06 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Spring beauty VS Allergies
I love Spring and all the beautiful weather and flowers. I wish I could really enjoy it to the fullest but I can't. There is one problem ALLERGIES!!! I suffer as well as everyone else in my family including my children w/Allergies. We usually have to stay inside during Spring months cause we can't handle the sneezing, coughing, not being able to breathe cause asthma is acting up (only me), and the endless use of Kleneex. I think we could be RICH and buy stock in Kleneex and T.P(when we run out of Kleneex) cause we use it SOOO MUCH!!!I think this invention would be AWESOME!!!! Just reach up and pull some down...no need to search for it or ask everyone where the tissue box is at...It would be so convenient..
This of course is how I feel!! I would be better off at another planet!! (during spring) lol

Oh the endless sneezing!! Have you ever sneezed and caused yourself to have hiccups?? Well that is my life story...My allergies are so bad that my asthma acts up, and I sneeze soo much that I usually have hiccups all the time..Soo annoying....

My relief!!! I can take Benadryl but that makes me sleepy and I usually take that if I forget to take singulair but at night since my allergies for some reason is even worse at night. I have woke myself up from itching my throat...Singulair when I remember to take it helps me w/my asthma since it gets triggered by my allergies...So I do feel like the lady in the pic running w/arms wide open w/no care in the world...(okay maybe that is strecthing it but I feel good and feel normal and can function..)

So as much as I love spring and all it's beauty...I just wish allergies wouldn't be a problem or a issue but since I have had to live w/this since I can remember. It will just be an ongoing complaint. ha ha ha Unfortuately (sp) since Mark and I both have allergies we have passed them down to our kids. The doctor had said if one parent has it your child has a small chance of getting them..but if both parents have it then your childs chances increases to a positive! So our kids got the short in of the stick and have to suffer...
Posted by Mark & Stephanie Humpherys at 12:34 PM 3 comments